Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Celebrating the birthday of Dr. Seuss

I really enjoyed my visit to the kindergarten classroom today. Because it is Dr. Seuss' birthday, the class decided to celebrate by reading Dr. Seuss books and eating green eggs and ham. I remembered doing the same thing when I was in elementary school. While the teacher cooked the egges, I read The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham to the kids. They found the stories entertaining, especially those who had never read Dr. Seuss before. After we had read the books, the teacher passed out green eggs and ham to everyone. Every student decided to try it, although several students said they didn't like it. The food coloring made the food look very green, and I understood why the kids were hestitant to try them at first. Then the kids colored an egg green and put it on a poster the teacher had made. One side of the poster was for those who liked the food, the other side was for those who didn't. It turns out that there was actually more kids who didn't like it than did. However, I think all the kids enjoyed seeing green eggs and ham like those in the story. They wrote a sentence about what happened when they tried green eggs and ham and then drew a picture by their sentence. Most drew scenes from the book. I enjoyed spending time reading to the kids and helping the class, especially doing a lot of fun activities. I appreciated the change of routine and I know the kids did too.
The green eggs in the photo (found with permission to reuse) look the same as the ones the kids ate in class!

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